Springtime camping is upon us! Mother Nature always has a mind of her own, and springtime weather in many climates and regions tends to be rainy. Here are some RV tips for making the most of rainy days!

Make It Special
It takes only a little bit of forethought, but planning ahead and assembling a Rainy Day Box can make all the difference for your kids. Use a 17-quart storage box that’s easily stashed in your new or used RV’s exterior pass-through storage or even in an interior closet. Stash it with goodies that only get used on a rainy day…like a few family favorite board games.

Have a separate stash of rainy day treats in your RV’s kitchen pantry, too. Knowing that there are special games and snacks that are reserved only for the most dismal of weather can help turn those frowns upside down.
Get Cozy
Check out our new and used RVs for sale that come loaded with multiple entertainment amenities! Many campgrounds do offer WiFi, so streaming from your favorite service is still possible. And when you are traveling in an RV that has multiple private HD TVs spread throughout, everyone can stay happy. Ask us about our RVs with TV prep not just in the living room, but the Master bedroom and even the bunkhouse!
Read-Aloud Revival
Did you know that studies show fewer people than ever are reading? Pre-load several titles on your tablet or device. E-books obviously don’t weigh anything at all, and it’s easier to pack them along this way than physical books. Audiobook versions give you the perfect opportunity to listen to a great story read aloud while the rain comes down.

Look for Indoor Options
Scout some local options before leaving for your trip. If a rainy day threatens your outdoor plans, go somewhere inside instead – like an aquarium, indoor rock climbing, or a jump park.

Know the Drills
If the weather is especially severe, help your kids stay calm by setting the tone. Check out your campground’s recommended storm shelter and try to park your RV nearby so if you do need to move into a safer location, you can do so with relative ease. Make sure you have a portable weather radio to keep an eye (or ear) on any updates.

And finally, keep a smile on your face. Having backup plans and treats that only come out for rainy days can help everyone in the family better deal with the disappointment of any postponed or cancelled activities due to inclement weather. After all, while you can’t control the weather, you can control your attitude. Traveling in an RV that has the features you need can help you stay prepared and have fun even when the weather is unpredictable. Contact us today!